Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pseudocode. Briefly explain ten pseudocode convention.

pseudocode:-Pseudocode and flowcharts are both popular ways of representing algorithms. Pseudocode has been chosen as the primary method of representing an algorithm because it is easy to read and write, and allows the programmer to concentrate on the logic of the problem. Pseudocode is really structured English. It is English that has been formalised and abbreviated to look like the high-level computer languages.
Pseudo code conventions:
1. Comments begin with // and continue until the end of line.
1.  Blocks are indicated and matching braces.: { and }.
2.  An identifier begins with a letter
3.  Assignment of values to variables is done using the assignment statement
<variable> := <expression>
4.  There are two Boolean values true and false
5.  Elements of multi dimensional array are accessed using [ and ].
6.  The following looping statements are employed: for, while and repeat – until
7.  A conditional statement has the following forms:
If <condition> then <statement>;
8.  Input and output are done using the instructions read and write.
9.  There only and one type of procedure: Algorithm

An algorithm consists of heading and body. The heading takes the form