Monday, April 15, 2013

**Why do we study business? Or Important of studying business.

**Why do we study business?
Or Important of studying business.
            Business of the combination of activities to earn profit. The study of business will help us to increase our skills, sharpen our knowledge to understand business and economic activities. The important of business can be discussed by the following-
            1.Increasing dependence on others.
            2.International opportunities.
            3.Improving standard of living.
            4.Loping with change
            5.Preventing misconceptions.
            6.Creating employment.
7.Dicision of labor
8.Utilization of resource.
Now short description of these is given below-
1.Increasing dependence on others: Over the years, people have become more and more dependent on others. The knowledge of business is enchangingthe understanding of mutual dependence through business.
2.International opportunities: In the 21st century, it has become possible for everyone especially individuals educated in business to take existing opportunities that will exist around the world.
3.Improving standard of living: Standard of living indicates measure of how well a person or finally is doing in terms of satisfying needs and wants with goods and services. And this is possible through their knowledge of business.
4.Coping with change: As like as the world itself, business is also dynamic always changing. Coping with both predictable and unpredictable events we must have to study business.
5.Preventing misconceptions: Understanding business also prevents us accepting misconceptions, misinformation and inaccurate data as truths.
6.Creating employment: Business  creates more and more employment opportunities in various industries and trades for skilled as well as unskilled workers.
7.Division of  labor: Division of labor implies the distribution of manpower in a community for obtaining the maximum production and for improving the quality of output.
8.Utilization of resource: A country’s resources are used to produce goods and services that will meet the needs and wants of people . By studying business we can easily know how to use properly our resources.
            So, these are the importance of studying business.

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