Tuesday, April 23, 2013

SolutionHome: **Why do we study business? Or Important of studying business.

SolutionHome: **Why do we study business? Or Important of studying business.

SolutionHome: Convert Lower case to upper case by Assembly Language

SolutionHome: Convert Lower case to upper case by Assembly Language

non-preemptive scheduling, Dispatch latency,Turnaround time, Waiting time, Response time

Under non-preemptive scheduling, once the CPU has been allocated to a process, the process keep the CPU until it release the CPU either by terminating or by switching to waiting state.

Dispatch latency – time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running

Turnaround time – amount of time to execute a particular process

Waiting time – amount of time a process has been waiting in the ready queue

Response time – amount of time it takes from when a request was submitted until the first response is produced

Dispatch latency

Dispatch latency – time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running

non-preemptive scheduling

Under non-preemptive scheduling, once the CPU has been allocated to a process, the process keep the CPU until it release the CPU either by terminating or by switching to waiting state

FIFO and LIFO Methods

FIFO and LIFO Methods are accounting techniques used in managing inventory and financial matters involving the amount of money a company has tied up within inventory of produced goods, raw materials, parts, components, or feed stocks. These methods are used to manage assumptions of cost flows related to inventory, stock repurchases (if purchased at different prices), and various other accounting purposes.
FIFO stands for first-in, first-out, meaning that the oldest inventory items are recorded as sold first but do not necessarily mean that the exact oldest physical object has been tracked and sold.
LIFO stands for last-in, first-out, meaning that the most recently produced items are recorded as sold first.

Monday, April 15, 2013

**Basic principles of business. Or, What are the basic principles of business?

**Basic principles of business.
Or, What are the basic principles of business?
Business follows several distinctive principles. Those are-
1.      Specific objective.
2.      Perfect organization structure.
3.      Proper planning.
4.      Optimum location.
5.      Optimum size.
6.      Good location.
7.      Financial solvency.
8.      Risk bearing capacity.
9.      Good human relation.
10. Efficient management.
Now short description of these principles is given below-
1. Specific objectives:
            Each and every business Should have specific objectives. Because if business does not possess specific objectives then it will not be successful.

2. Perfect organization structure:
Organization combines various activities, employees and departments. That is why business must have a perfect organization structure.
3. Proper planning:
Planning is an important function of business, so to be successful and profitable business must be well planned.
4. Optimum capital:
            The major factor of production is capital. No business activity can run without capital. So to manage optimum capital is an important principle of business.
5. Optimum size:
            Determining optimum size for the business is another principle of business. Because the success of business largely depend on its optimum size.
6. Good location:
            To find out a proper location is essential for business. Business location should be selected by considering present conditions and forecasting future situations.
7. Financial solvency:
            Each and every business takes the principle of financial solvency. Because the business which have not enough solvency cannot operate business actives effectively.
8. Risk bearing capacity:
            All business involves risk and uncertainty. Because no risk no gain. That is why more risk brings more profit.
9. Good human relation:
            The overall success of business depends on good human relation. That means there should a good relation among various parties involved in the business.
10. Efficient management:
            Efficiency is the fuel of success. The success of any business depends on efficient management.
            These are the important principles of business.

**Write the Functions of business. Or, Discuss the various functions of business.

**Write the Functions of business.
Or, Discuss the various functions of business.
            Business is the combination of activities those have the motive for earning profit through satisfying human needs and wants. To do this business performs several distinctive activities. Those are as follows-
            6.Advertisement and publicity
            10.Standardization and grading
Now short description of these is given below-
1.Planing: The first and main function is to make plan for production, distribution and financing activities. No business can be successful  without proper planning.
2.Production: Production  means the natural resources turning  into main products that can solve the human needs and wants problem. So production is an important function of business.
3.Purchase:The business organization has to purchase raw materials and other equipments for production function and other related functions. That means whatever the business size or type it must be engaged in purchase.
4.Sales: The equity of products transfer through sales. It is the only source of revenue of the business firm. The success of business is related with the success of sales.
5.Financing: Money or capital is the backbone of the business. Financing means collecting and investing capital in the business operation. So it is an essential task of business.
6.Accounting: Accounting means record the business transactions and determine the profit and loss, cost and revenue etc. By this function the future forecasting of the business can be determined.
7.Advertisement and publicity: The present world is the world of publicity. It is not possible to create customers for the product with advertisement and publicity. And that is why publicity and advertisement is essential for the business.
8.Warehousing: Warehousing is also an important function of business, products are not sold at the time of production, that means it needs to store.
9.Distribution: Ensuring the proper distribution of produced goods and services  is also important function of business. Business perform this activity by transportations.
10.Standardization and grading: Products are standardized based on its quality, weight, size etc. and grading means differentiate products into different categories.
            From the above discussion finally it can be said that these are the major function of business.

**Why do we study business? Or Important of studying business.

**Why do we study business?
Or Important of studying business.
            Business of the combination of activities to earn profit. The study of business will help us to increase our skills, sharpen our knowledge to understand business and economic activities. The important of business can be discussed by the following-
            1.Increasing dependence on others.
            2.International opportunities.
            3.Improving standard of living.
            4.Loping with change
            5.Preventing misconceptions.
            6.Creating employment.
7.Dicision of labor
8.Utilization of resource.
Now short description of these is given below-
1.Increasing dependence on others: Over the years, people have become more and more dependent on others. The knowledge of business is enchangingthe understanding of mutual dependence through business.
2.International opportunities: In the 21st century, it has become possible for everyone especially individuals educated in business to take existing opportunities that will exist around the world.
3.Improving standard of living: Standard of living indicates measure of how well a person or finally is doing in terms of satisfying needs and wants with goods and services. And this is possible through their knowledge of business.
4.Coping with change: As like as the world itself, business is also dynamic always changing. Coping with both predictable and unpredictable events we must have to study business.
5.Preventing misconceptions: Understanding business also prevents us accepting misconceptions, misinformation and inaccurate data as truths.
6.Creating employment: Business  creates more and more employment opportunities in various industries and trades for skilled as well as unskilled workers.
7.Division of  labor: Division of labor implies the distribution of manpower in a community for obtaining the maximum production and for improving the quality of output.
8.Utilization of resource: A country’s resources are used to produce goods and services that will meet the needs and wants of people . By studying business we can easily know how to use properly our resources.
            So, these are the importance of studying business.

What are the requisites for a successful business?

What are the requisites for a successful business?

To be successful a business must have to fulfill several requisites. Those are as follows-
  1. Specific objectives.
  2. Proper planning.
  3. Adequate financing.
  4. Proper organization.
  5. Good relation between labor and management.
  6. Research and development.
  7. Publicity.
  8. Proper distribution system.
  9. Risk bearing capacity.
  10. Efficient management.
These are the requisites for a successful business.

Write the advantages of business?

Write the advantages of business?

            Business denotes human activities which produce or acquire profit through buying and selling of goods. The advantages of business are as follows-
  1. Free occupation.
  2. Increase wealth.
  3. Establish human relationship.
  4. Development of efficiency.
  5. Proper utilization of resources.
  6. Creating employment opportunities.
  7. Economic Development.
  8. Increasing standard of living.
  9. Increase research and invention.
  10. Social Service.
These are the advantages of business.

Importance and necessity of business. Or, Discuss the role of business in the socio-economic development.

Importance and necessity of business.
Or, Discuss the role of business in the socio-economic development.

The role of business is so important in the economic development and social development. Now the importance of business in economic and social development can be discussed by the following ways-

1. Economic importance’s:
The economic importance of business includes the followings-
(i)                 Proper utilization of resources.
(ii)               Formation of capital.
(iii)             Increase Standard of living.
(iv)             Development of international relation.
(v)               Social Advancement.
(vi)             Urbanization.

Now short description of these is given below-
(i) Proper utilization of resources:
            Business plays important role in the economic development of a country by ensuring proper utilization of available and natural resources.

(ii) Formation of capital:
            Business collect and formate capital and invest that in production activities, Business collect small amount of money from different sources and then make it as capital.

(iii) Increase standard of living:
            Business helps to increase standard of living by creating employment opportunities and providing goods and services according to needs and wants.

(iv) Development of international relation:
            One country is dependent on another country. This dependency create inter national business, And international business helps to make international relationship with one or more countries.

(v) Social Advancement:
            Business also plays role in social advancement and cuture advancement and it ultimately develop the economic structure of a country.

(vi) Urbanization:
            Urbanization is the result of business, Because urban area develops with the development of business activities.
            So, these are the economic importance’s of business.

2. Social Importance:
The social importance of business includes the followings-
(i)                 Supply of goods and services.
(ii)               Employment opportunity.
(iii)             Development of transportation.
(iv)             Division of labor.
(v)               Increase research and Development.

Now Short description of these is given below-
(i) Supply of goods and services:
            Business provides goods and services according to the needs and warts of customers. Demand of the consumers are unlimited and business always try to fulfill this demand by supplying new goods and services.

(ii) Employment opportunity:
            Business creates large opportunities of employment. Because with the development of business, commerce and industry also increase. And it create large number employment opportunities.

(iii) Development of transportation:
            Business plays important role in the development of transportation of a country. Because business activities requires transportation and communication.

(iv) Division of labor:
            At present business activities follows the principle of labor division. As a result all business activities are divided in different division. And it helps to implement activities properly.

(v) Increase research and development:
            Business helps to increase research and development with the expansion of trade, commerce and industry, competition also increase. To protect the competition and development activities.
            So these are the social importance’s of business.

Basic principles of business. Or, What are the basic principles of business?

Basic principles of business.
Or, What are the basic principles of business?

Business follows several distinctive principles. Those are-
  1. Specific objective.
  2. Perfect organization structure.
  3. Proper planning.
  4. Optimum location.
  5. Optimum size.
  6. Good location.
  7. Financial solvency.
  8. Risk bearing capacity.
  9. Good human relation.
  10. Efficient management.

Now short description of these principles is given below-

1. Specific objectives:
            Each and every business Should have specific objectives. Because if business does not possess specific objectives then it will not be successful.

2. Perfect organization structure:
            Organization combines various activities, employees and departments. That is why business must have a perfect organization structure.

3. Proper planning:
            Planning is an important function of business, so to be successful and profitable business must be well planned.

4. Optimum capital:
            The major factor of production is capital. No business activity can run without capital. So to manage optimum capital is an important principle of business.

5. Optimum size:
            Determining optimum size for the business is another principle of business. Because the success of business largely depend on its optimum size.

6. Good location:
            To find out a proper location is essential for business. Business location should be selected by considering present conditions and forecasting future situations.

7. Financial solvency:
            Each and every business takes the principle of financial solvency. Because the business which have not enough solvency cannot operate business actives effectively.

8. Risk bearing capacity:
            All business involves risk and uncertainty. Because no risk no gain. That is why more risk brings more profit.

9. Good human relation:
            The overall success of business depends on good human relation. That means there should a good relation among various parties involved in the business.
10. Efficient management:
            Efficiency is the fuel of success. The success of any business depends on efficient management.
            These are the important principles of business.